Saturday, April 7, 2012

Not goodbye..

I have put off writing this post as long as I possibly can. I'm sitting here at Denie's house in Salt Lake, trying to keep the tears from flowing as I write this post. I don't know if it's the jet lag, or if I am finally letting my emotions come forward after staying strong for the trip home.
I thought saying goodbye to my friends at Rising Star would be more traumatic than it was. I came to realize that these kids had been through sad partings many times before. They're tough, and they know how to protect their emotions. I was being tough too.
They whole time we were there, the kids would ask when we were leaving. The amount of time grew smaller and smaller every time they asked. "That's so soon," they would say. Then on Friday, when they saw us dressed in our normal clothes, they knew the day had come. "You go home to America?"
The kids I had bonded with hugged me tight, I told them I loved them and I hoped to come back some day. They smiled, said goodbye and went on with their normal routine. (I had to sneak into a few classes to catch some of them before I left.) It was a little hard on me to see them so unemotional, but I was also VERY grateful to see them cope so well.
For me this is anything but goodbye. I find it interesting that I bonded with 8 to 10 pre-teen girls, rather than the "littles." They attached themselves to me and I had my own little possy every where I went! I know without a doubt I need to keep in contact with all of these girls. I hope to sponsor one, but I will be a part of the lives of many.

I never felt so tall and so white in my whole life!

The little boys, not so cuddly, but loved to put on a show! Rough and tumble, funny little stinkers! I could sneak in a hug here and there when I could catch them!
Throwing out some love from the balcony.These girls are sweethearts. Satia on the left would RUN up to me and squeeze me tight! She is an angel.One of the last things we did was sit in a stairwell and put a puzzle together with the kids. At this time it started to really sink in that we were leaving. Usha (below) is the girl I have the strongest connection with. One night after dinner she put her arms around me, layed her head on my chest and just held me. The power went out and she still held on. As we stood there in the dark she said, "Auntie, your heart is very loud, and fast." I'll never forget the feeling of that moment, and I can't fully describe it.
Little cutie saying "hi."
My girls!
Devi, she would blink with both eyes to say hello. She always had a smile on her face, except for the last day. :(
Sweetie (Savithia) the first girl I met. I love her. There are many more kids who have a piece of my heart. They are all captured within these posts. I am SO grateful for cameras! And also my sister for being my personal paparazzi. I have a post about her coming soon..
About to get in the van! Saying goodbye to our roommate Julie. I don't quit know why we look so happy. There must have been a joke..
I have a few more posts on he way! Traveling home was quite the adventure! I also have a few things up my sleeve for the future! Check back.

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