Thursday, February 2, 2012


I am a little bit overwhelmed! Overwhelmed, excited, scared and content all at the same time! I have decided to go to India!

Why go to India? Because there are people in great need there, people who are being helped by an organization called Rising Star Outreach.

These people have leprosy.

A couple of years ago I was introduced to RSO and was amazed at what I saw on their website. Just as in biblical times, people are suffering with this painful disease. They are shunned, cast out and mistreated. In India, many believe leprosy to be the result of sin, and those afflicted often receive little sympathy or support.

RSO was, IS sending volunteers to India to do hands on work. Cleaning wounds in medical clinics, offering love and kindness to those who are rarely touched. They are teaching children, building a school and creating sponsored programs for them. Rising Star Outreach has extended the call to help "Lift Leprosy in India."

When I fully understood Rising Star's mission I felt a pull at my heart, a yearning to SOMEHOW be a part of this program. Almost a year passed. I followed a friend's blog as she traveled to India and served in leprosy colonies there.  At that time, traveling to India myself seemed completely impossible.

Just a few weeks ago, I had the strongest impression I am MEANT to go to India, and soon. I was getting ready for the day and had a simple thought. The thought came in one word, "INDIA." With that one word came a flood of emotions. I was ecstatic! When I looked in the mirror I had a huge smile on my face. I knew the time had come. It felt so right!

The next step was to run my thoughts by the hubby. (I had talked to him about it before, but nothing official.) I knew I couldn't do it without his support. I said, (in a breezy voice) "I'm thinking maybe I need to go to India." He thought for awhile and said, "It's a good cause, I think you should do it." I was surprised to hear those words come out of his mouth. He had been somewhat against the idea before!

Then the feelings of doubt started to creep in... this could be a dangerous task, it's so far can I leave my family? Where will I get the funding? I'm not strong enough for this!!

A day or two later we received a random check in the mail from our mortgage company. We had overpaid somehow and the check was a refund! I instantly thought, "This could go towards India! Maybe my dream is possible after all."

From there I decided to put my feelers out, to see what others thought about this crazy idea of me traipsing off to a third world country in the name of service!

I texted my sister, "I'm pretty sure I'm going to India."
"To work with leprosy colonies there and children in need."
Her reply was instant, "I want to go! Like big crocodile tears I want to go."

My sister also knew, without a doubt she was MEANT to go to India. Her husband agreed and offered to pay her way!

My thought, or inspiration, was quickly turning into something I couldn't possibly turn my back on. Every emotional wave of fear or doubt was soon followed by a feeling of complete peace!

The last thing for me to do was commit!! I applied for a volunteer position at Rising Star and they accepted me! My visa is on it's way, and now I'm pressing forward with fundraisers to help get me there, as well as the fee/donation for the organization.

This is the me I want to be! I want to be an example for my children. I want them to know they can do anything they set their minds to, and show them how to make an EFFORT for the things that matter most.

I think India will help me find the strength in me. Hopefully I can offer strength to those in need and make a difference in my short time there.

My life long dream of traveling the world in the service of others is finally happening! My departure date is March 22nd! I can do this!!


  1. Great post! I am so glad you are doing this! I'll be your number one follower. Your blog looks great!
    Go Trina!!

  2. Thanks for doing a blog...I am excited to follow you, following your dream...Good Luck!!!
