Saturday, April 7, 2012

Not goodbye..

I have put off writing this post as long as I possibly can. I'm sitting here at Denie's house in Salt Lake, trying to keep the tears from flowing as I write this post. I don't know if it's the jet lag, or if I am finally letting my emotions come forward after staying strong for the trip home.
I thought saying goodbye to my friends at Rising Star would be more traumatic than it was. I came to realize that these kids had been through sad partings many times before. They're tough, and they know how to protect their emotions. I was being tough too.
They whole time we were there, the kids would ask when we were leaving. The amount of time grew smaller and smaller every time they asked. "That's so soon," they would say. Then on Friday, when they saw us dressed in our normal clothes, they knew the day had come. "You go home to America?"
The kids I had bonded with hugged me tight, I told them I loved them and I hoped to come back some day. They smiled, said goodbye and went on with their normal routine. (I had to sneak into a few classes to catch some of them before I left.) It was a little hard on me to see them so unemotional, but I was also VERY grateful to see them cope so well.
For me this is anything but goodbye. I find it interesting that I bonded with 8 to 10 pre-teen girls, rather than the "littles." They attached themselves to me and I had my own little possy every where I went! I know without a doubt I need to keep in contact with all of these girls. I hope to sponsor one, but I will be a part of the lives of many.

I never felt so tall and so white in my whole life!

The little boys, not so cuddly, but loved to put on a show! Rough and tumble, funny little stinkers! I could sneak in a hug here and there when I could catch them!
Throwing out some love from the balcony.These girls are sweethearts. Satia on the left would RUN up to me and squeeze me tight! She is an angel.One of the last things we did was sit in a stairwell and put a puzzle together with the kids. At this time it started to really sink in that we were leaving. Usha (below) is the girl I have the strongest connection with. One night after dinner she put her arms around me, layed her head on my chest and just held me. The power went out and she still held on. As we stood there in the dark she said, "Auntie, your heart is very loud, and fast." I'll never forget the feeling of that moment, and I can't fully describe it.
Little cutie saying "hi."
My girls!
Devi, she would blink with both eyes to say hello. She always had a smile on her face, except for the last day. :(
Sweetie (Savithia) the first girl I met. I love her. There are many more kids who have a piece of my heart. They are all captured within these posts. I am SO grateful for cameras! And also my sister for being my personal paparazzi. I have a post about her coming soon..
About to get in the van! Saying goodbye to our roommate Julie. I don't quit know why we look so happy. There must have been a joke..
I have a few more posts on he way! Traveling home was quite the adventure! I also have a few things up my sleeve for the future! Check back.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


The last leprosy colony we served seemed like a quaint retirement village. Elderly people walked out of their houses with bright shiny faces, excited to see us. The weather wasn't too hot, the sun was shining brightly. It was a lovely place.

Here's a sneak peek inside.

Because of their advanced age, some of these people had little if any toes and fingers left. They were feeble, fragile and slow moving.

This man was very proud of his picture and wanted me to take another!

I loved their spirit and the wisdom in their eyes. This lady below is so beautiful. Denie and I sat next to her on the ground. She pointed to the sun, noticing we had no shade and suggested we get up and follow her to a near by building. There we sat with her and some other ladies, trying our best to understand what they were saying, hoping to get a glimpse into their lives. Mainly I just wanted to feel them and have them feel love from us.
Soon it was time to go. As we drove away I felt a sense of completion. I could sense my time in India was winding down. It was a satisfying feeling and also a sad feeling. Only a little time left to go.

On the way Denie snapped these amazing photos of every day life in India!

Goodnight everyone!!


After tutoring on Monday we had an all out, total warfare water fight!
I wasn't planning on being 100% involved with this activity! I'm naturally more reserved I guess you could say, but these kids kept getting me good! After a few soakings I thought, "Ok, it's on like Donkey Kong!!" I put the camera away and grabbed a bucket! This was one of the funnest things I've done in a long time! Denie and I were running in and out of the kids bathroom to refill our buckets as fast as we could. The floor was so wet the kids were body sliding from one end of the room to the other! I literally felt like a ten year old!

By the time we were finished I was soaked from head to toe! Here's me, Denie and Jules sopping wet. One of the kids took our picture can you tell? "Auntie, I take!"

On the walk home we were still feeling hyper. Denie asked us to do something silly and this is what she got!

Chest bump that failed. Haha..A perfect ending to a perfect day.

Teach me..

My second day of tutoring was bitter sweet. I have grown to love these kids so much! The one-on-one time I get to spend with them is SO sweet as we get to know each other and make special connections. This day was bitter because I knew it would be my last time teaching. I took pictures so I would never forget these sweet faces. Some of these cuties still need sponsors! Let me know if they tug your heart stings as well.

The girl directly above my head had leprosy as a baby and her family left her in the garbage. Now her home is Rising Star. We love you Jennifer! You may be wondering, who's the light one? Her name is Nisha and she is an albino. More importantly, she is a sweet girl with a loving heart, and she's my lunch buddy!

NISHA (So photogenic. She says the dots on her head are just there because they look good!)
GRACIE (She is so tiny and quiet as a mouse.)
M. VIJAY (Will work hard when bribed with a party!)
USHA (This girl has my heart. I am seriously considering sponsoring her! She said to Denie the other day, "Your sister, I love your sister very much." The feeling is mutual.)
BOSHA (He was having a hard day that day. I hope I made him feel a little happier.)
Rumplestiltskin according to Treen-
I had two students pick this book for me to read to them. As I read, I was concerned about the messages being taught. Anna was very beautiful, maybe even beautiful enough to be queen... To this I said to Gracie, "You don't have to be tall, blond, skinny, white or have long hair to be beautiful. YOU are beautiful. All people are beautiful." The father forced her to go to the king, who would only agree to marry her if she spun a room of hay into gold. If she didn't, she would die. To Bosha I said, "This is not a nice king. He should not treat Anna that way. She would not want to marry him." Bosha said, "She WILL marry him." I replied, "She might, but if she does she won't like him very much." I also asked him what was more important, beauty on the inside or beauty on the outside. He couldn't decide. I told him what's inside matters most!
I found it interesting that the children kept choosing this book (even though I hid it as best as I could after the first time) because it follows along closely with Indian tradition in that the father tells the daughter who she will marry, and all too often the husband is abusive. I have heard stories about what some of these kiddos face when they visit home. I wish there was an easy answer or solution to help them..
All we can do is plant little seeds and hope they grow. Maybe my students will think of Rumplestiltskin a little differently now! :)
This is my friend Nitia. What I know about her so far- she is nineteen years old, she is great at henna art, she studies her Bible every evening, she is a wonderful house mother and is beautiful inside and out. I am going to miss her.
I am grateful for this day and this experience. Lucky me!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day of rest

Sunday was a very special day here at Rising Star! The LDS church members here in India were scheduled to watch conference next week, so we were able to go to church in the new Chennai chapel!! From the outside it looks like a temple! It is majestic and bright in comparison to the surrounding city. There was a sense of peace and safety within the gate.
Just as expected, the meetings were consistent with church meetings at home. Gospel principles were taught, the SPIRIT was felt, only the faces and clothing were different. I very much enjoyed hearing hymns sung with an Indian accent. My testimony grew that day. One man who spoke said, "Before I joined the church I knew love. After I joined the church I knew perfect love."

The view in back of the church.

The view in front of the church.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-Day Saints

Less than 20% of the people in India are Christians, so it is interesting to me to find so many hints of Christianity during my travels. Rising Star is a non-denominational school, but the love of God, Jesus and christian principles are taught here. During prayer time we sing hymns from the LDS hymn book. The head house mother teaches the children a lesson from the Bible.
I was pleasantly surprised to see the head house mom and a few of the children from Rising Star at church on Sunday! The children at Rising Star are undoubtedly in good hands. The spirit can always be felt on campus. It truly is a special place!
Pictures of Jesus in the girls' hostel...

A cherished ring..
At the Vandaloor leper colony...
A Rising Star van.
Because I have been given much, I too must give.
I will always strive to be be kind, pure in heart, selfless, caring and worthy to walk among angels. There are many angels here!